Thoughts on a Measure of Restraint

I found the piece a measure of restraint to be a very intriguing piece and thought the message that it gave off to be one that was well found. I agree that it is important that we ensure that the products that we are putting out in the word are safe before we consume them. However the piece also, perhaps intentionally, painted scientists are researches as being careless and irresponsible. For example, the piece presented the anecdote about Pierre and Marie curie, in which Pierre expressed a wish for their discovery to be beautiful and Marie was depicted with childlike excitement. It almost made it seem as if the researchers were more concerned with the beauty of their discovery rather than finding out whether or not it was safe. However this is not the case. In fact, because Marie and Pierre never had a patent for their techniques of isolating radium, Marie never made any money from her discovery. She soon found that she did not even have enough money to purchase the element she herself had discovered and thus wasn't able to conduct research on whether or not it was safe. In addition, the piece tried to foreshadow that GMOs may prove to dangerous in the future. While this certainly could be the case, I would like to think that there are many researchers that are truly invested in researching whether or not GMOs. I think that in this day and age, we would not be as careless about GMOs as they had been about radium and cesium.


  1. I like the biographical information you provided!

  2. I like how you compared the responses to new technologies from the past and the present


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